Thursday, June 02, 2005

Recommendations for next cafe



Based on the fact that sometimes we are discussing complex issues I think it is important to (every now and then) to have basic lecture presentations dealing with the principles of Islam and fundamental Islamic knowledge - perhaps even an Islamic studies series covering several basic subjects. It is critical to have a fund of basic minimum Islamic knowledge creating a frame of reference based on which one can have a meaningful learning curve. I think that the reason for the setting up of Cafe a la Fikr is not to have a gripe session but to learn Islam by way of discussion and thereby grow in our understanding and knowedge of Islam and practice - both at the intellectual level and spiritual level such that it improves our individual and collective "khuluq" - character and ethics: as the Prophet (s) stated in sahih bukhari, "I have been sent but to perfect moral character". Therefore, I think it is important for us to engage in this cafe from this perspective.

With the above in mind, since our topic for next time is more of an introspection and reflection which we have attempted to bring to discussion before (few months back) - I think that before we re-address this it might be worthwhile to have a lecture on Principles of Islamic Thought and Ideology - sort of a frame. I have a somewhat of prepared powerpoint on this vis-a-vis Christianity to which I will make amends to focus more towards our topic idea - if people are agreeable - then I can present this as our subject of learning for next time - June ?


1 comment:

Cafe a la Fikr said...

Thats a good idea and maybe we can come up a essential reading list to go through for the same.
any thoughts anyone??
